Monday, June 2, 2014

Our First PRIDE Class!

Today Kris and I officially started the PRIDE (Parents' Resources for Information Development Education) classes that are required to adopt in our county. Today was orientation, the first part of an eleven week course intended to make you aware of the commitment you're making when you adopt out of the foster system. This isn't a new born or a toddler who you mold, this is a young human who has gone through trauma. It's so important to remember that it isn't about you as an adoptive parent, it's about the child. Why does s/he need? Where will s/he feel the most comfortable to grow and heal? 

Today was made extra special by some really special people- remember the best friend who got pregnant on her honeymoon from my first post? Her and her beautiful family are in town after the moved over a thousand miles away. I got to spend part of last night and most of the day with them. Let me tell you, this is the sweetest little man in the world. He has stolen my heart. Today reminded me of the day Rebecca told us she was pregnant. It was just about this time of the year, we barbecued and laughed and cried. Just like today. It just seemed to special to me to have them here for my moment. 

Spending time with the babe really reinforced our choice to adopt. This little man is so lucky to have a Mommy and Daddy who love him more than anything, then there is our future child, who is probably sitting in a group home right now wondering why they don't have parents, just like Kris and I wonder why we don't have kids. 

This child will help us heal just as much as we will help them heal. Nothing will get in our way of doing this. Nothing will stop me from finding my child and loving them. Thank all of you again for taking this journey with me. Please feel free to ask any questions or just voice your opinion!